About me


Work Experience

Aspen Technology - Data Engineer Intern Summer '21

  • Enhanced the functionality of Aspen ProMVTM - a Multi-Variate analysis tool used by chemical plants.
  • Researched and implemented various Clustering algorithms and performed deep-dive analysis on historical time-series data.
  • Constructed a Failure-agent for Batch processes at Chemical plants.

JPMorgan Chase - Software Engineer Intern Summer '19

  • Visualized progress of employees using a React.js based web application in collaboration with a team of 25 people.
  • Forecasted bank balances using a Supervised Machine Learning model with 99.73% prediction accuracy, earning award as a part of JP Morgan Chase’s Global Hackathon.
  • Productionized both the projects during the internship

Real Tycoon - Software Engineer Intern Summer '18

  • Developed and integrated REST APIs with the mobile application which fueled an additional major revenue stream through the Service Click-and-book functionality.
  • Succeeded in developing Full Stack Web Applications to book at-home services by integrating REST APIs and Google Maps APIs.

Freelance Projects

Cryptocurrency Trading Algorithm

  • Incorporated Sentiment Analysis on Scraped Relevant Articles and Swap Funding Rate.
  • Generated a profit of ∼1200% during backtesting.
  • REST API Integration

    Developed and integrated REST APIs for an at-home services provider mobile application.
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